
Does the dog have Turing nature?


JSON has become a kind of de-facto standard for sharing data among services on the web. The Lisp folks have enjoyed this luxury ever since … well ever since McCarthy made the language and his student implemented an interpreter for it. What’s more, they have also had the luxury of using the same syntax for sharing logic .. and in fact take it for granted. This post is a proposal to bring that “luxury” to the web programming world.

Status: Draft. Comments welcome.

Why is it useful to be able to share logic?

If you’ve already bought into Lisp, you may not need much convincing here. If you do ask that question, I’ve written about DSLs and J-expressions in an earlier post that may be of interest to you.

Core syntax

  1. A “J-expression” is an ordinary JSON-serializeable object, whose “first key” is taken to name an “operator”, with the whole object serving as its “operand”.

  2. A J-expression’s key must be an identifier conforming to the following regular expression

  3. We permit an extension to JSON whereby the key need not be a quoted string. Nevertheless, a key must conform to the above regular expression even when quoted.

  4. Everything else – numbers, strings, dates and arrays – is just as specified in JSON.

  5. We leave the question of how the “operator” must use the operands open in order to allow for eager and lazy computations, and meta-expressions.

  6. Every J-expression may have a comment key whose value is for human consumption and is therefore expected to have nil impact on the meaning of the expression to a program. It may therefore be ignored by parsers and interpreters. J-expression writers, however, must strip out these comment fields before serializing these expressions. This means comment is a “reserved key”.

  7. Every J-expression may have a meta key whose value is a JSON value and is considered of some relevance to the system processing the script. This could include additional documentation references, version information, source URL for a specification of the operator, etc. .. the structure of which is left unspecified. J-expression writers, therefore, must not strip out the meta entry. This means meta is a “reserved key”.

An example

{do: [
    {fetchURL: "",
      timeout: 30.0,
       onfail: {raiseError: "URL not reachable"}},
    {fork: [
        {displayInElement: "element_id"},
        {cacheInLocalStorage: "prefix"}

The above script can be read as representing a “pipe” where the data is fetched from some URL and then (concurrently) displayed in an element and cached in local storage.

Some considerations

  1. J-expression parsers are expected to be support both quoted and unquoted keys in order to enable “logic” and “data” to take the same form.

  2. J-expression writers are also allowed to use either form, but writing unquoted keys is preferred since it is more compact than quoted keys and closer in form to the notion of “programming” or “scripting”.

The “first key” as the “operator”

Javascript implementations today preserve the order in which keys are inserted into objects when traversing keys as long as the keys are not array indices. Even when the specification does not require them to do so, Google considers it a de-facto standard that insertion and enumeration order must match whenever only string keys are involved - as noted in this V8 bug. This de-facto standard permits easy identification of the “first key” in a JSON expression as shown below –

function jexpr_operator(jexpr) {
    for (var first_key in jexpr) {
        return first_key;

In languages such as Python, Ruby and Lua, we cannot assume that the first key can be so easily identified, but since all these languages have custom syntax checking parsers for scanning JSON, it is a trivial extension to the parser to add a special key to an object to help identify the first key.

The key __jexpr_operator__ is reserved for parsers so that they can indicate what the “first key” is by giving its name as the value of this key. For the rest of the system, the presence of this key overrides any key order already obeyed by the system. J-expression writers must use this key to determine which key to write first, but must not output this key itself.

Parsers in languages with objects that do not preserve identity between key insertion and enumeration order can add a small bit of logic to insert the above special key.

function jexpr_operator(jexpr) {
    if ("__jexpr_operator__" in jexpr) {
        return jexpr.__jexpr_operator__;
    } else {
        for (var first_key in jexpr) {
            return first_key;

Beyond this, we do not need the order of the other keys to be preserved and operator implementations should not make that assumption.

Can we build programming languages using j-expressions?

It sure looks possible to do so. For example, here is a (toy) compiler for J a Scheme-like language that is about as expressive as Scheme .. except for the lack of support for tail call elimination.