6 Specifying Style Behaviour

Every style package has a file named "data.scm" that defines everything that is unique about the style. Its contents specify -
  • How the title part should be constructed.

  • How the credits part should be constructed.

  • How the muvee body should respond to the music track.

  • How each segment of the muvee body should look and sound like.

  • How a muvee made by the style should look like overall.

  • How each segment in the muvee body leads into the one following it.

  • How to create style controls that the user can tweak.

This section is all about what goes into a style’s "data.scm" file. A typical data.scm file looks like this -

; muSE v2
; ---------------------
; Parameters exposed via 'Style Settings'
(style-parameters ....)
; ---------------------
; Music response specification
(segment-durations ....)
(segment-duration-tc ....)
(transition-duration-tc ....)
(time-warp-tc ....)
; ---------------------
; Manipulating input shots prior to construction
(define muvee-shot-vector-transform ....)
; ---------------------
; Various definitions for effects and transitions.
; ...
; The effect to apply to each segment.
(define muvee-segment-effect ....)
; The treatment to apply to the entire muvee.
(define muvee-global-effect ....)
; The transition to use to move from one segment to the next.
(define muvee-transition ....)
; ---------------------
; Title and credits specifications.
(title-section ....)
(credits-section ....)
