On this page:
10.1 video
10.2 video-loop-track
10.3 with-inputs
10.4 Lower level functions
10.4.1 mes: video
10.4.2 mes: image
10.4.3 Working with image data during construction

10 ShowTime - the muvee timeline

This page needs a rewrite, but all the bits are there I think.

ShowTime is our name for the timeline and rendering framework that is responsible for previewing your muvees and for rendering them to a file. ShowTime uses the industry standard OpenGL graphics API to render the muvee.

The basic unit of a ShowTime timeline is a Show which is, broadly speaking, a function of time to a rendered frame. Every show has an interval associated with it, outside of which it ceases to influence the scene. A timeline is built by combining Shows to form compound Shows. For example, two Shows which display two different pictures can be combined with a Cut operator to create a Show that will display picture A before time t and picture B after time t.

A portion of the ShowTime framework is available for direct use by styles so they can insert their own stock media into a muvee, such as a background video. Here we describe the various functions that are available at the lowest level of the effect framework and how to put them to great use.

10.1 video

(video path aspect-ratio mstart speed)  Show
  path : string
  aspect-ratio : number
  mstart : number
  speed : number
video can be used to explicitly include style stock video into the result timeline. It can be composed using effects, layers, etc. just like any other source video or photo clip.

A (video ....) expression evaluates to a function that can be used like a zero-input effect to place the video clip as a layer in the scene. The portion of the video that will be used is determined by the mstart and speed parameters. For example,

(define background (video (resource "background.wmv") 16/9 7.0 1/2))

will play the "background.wmv" video with 16/9 aspect ratio starting from the 7.0 seconds at half speed. Since the function creates a zero-input effect, the start and stop times aren’t known yet. So to insert this video into the timeline you instantiate the resultant effect by providing the play interval, as follows -
(layers (A)
        (background start stop ())
        ; ...other layers...)

There is special support within the ShowTime muSE bindings for using effect functions such as background that create Show objects and don’t take any inputs - i.e. their input pattern is (). In (input N xxx) and (layers ....) expressions, you can just use the function form without explicitly giving the start and stop times. The start/stop times will be automatically supplied from the context and the function will be evaluated to get a Show. For example, the above layers expression can be written equivalently as -
(layers (A)
        ; ...other layers...)

10.2 video-loop-track

(video-loop-track file    
  trk)  track
  file : string
  aspect-ratio : number
  start : number
  stop : number
  mstart : number
  mstop : number
  overlap : number
  tx : transition
  trk : track
A video clip can be looped for a specific period during a muvee. This can be during a segment effect or as a background video for the entire muvee. video-loop-track creates an instance of such a loop.

The video’s path, aspect ratio and duration have to be known before-hand. For transitions between the clips, use the parameters overlap and tx, but ensure the transition duration is less than half the video clip duration, i.e.

0 <= overlap and overlap < (mstop - mstart)/2

To loop a 10-second 16:9-format "video.wmv" with a 2-second crossfade between them, use this:
(fn (start stop ())
    (video-loop-track (resource "video.wmv") 16/9
                      start stop 0.0 10.0
                      2.0 (effect "CrossFade" (A B))
The initial value of trk should be (). At the end of the recursion, trk contains all the objects needed to create the looping video. You may then use this within the layers expression.

10.3 with-inputs

(with-inputs inputs fx)  layer
  inputs : list-of-Shows
  fx : effect
All the entries in a (layers ....) expression must be zero-input effects. Therefore it is a very frequent requirement to take a specified effect and make it operate on the inputs of the layers effect that’s being constructed instead of keeping its input pattern as free variables. You can use the with-inputs function to supply the inputs for any effect to turn it into a zero-input effect.

The with-inputs function evaluates to a zero-input effect (i.e. a layer), binding the given inputs to the effect in the process. This function is very useful within (layers ....) expressions to make N-input effects operate on the layers’ inputs.

10.4 Lower level functions

10.4.1 mes:video

(mes:video path    
  stop)  Show
  path : string
  aspect-ratio : number
  mstart : number
  mstop : number
  start : number
  stop : number

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Creates a video Show that can be used as a layer in a composition. mstart and mstop give the media interval to show and start and stop give the playback interval. If the media interval given is smaller than the playback interval, you get slow motion video and if it is larger, you get fast motion video. If mstop is a time before mstart, you get reversed video playback.

(mes:video path aspect-ratio time-map)  Show
  path : string
  aspect-ratio : number
  time-map : list

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Similar to mes:video above, but provides for more flexible playback through the time-map argument. The time-map is a list of piece-wise-linear playback intervals - i.e. of the form
((start1 stop1 mstart1 mstop1)
 (start2=stop1 stop2 mstart2 mstop2)
 (start3=stop2 stop3 mstart3 mstop3)
The playback intervals are expected to be increasing - i.e. the stop times must occur after the start times, but the media interval can be discontinuous as well as do reverse video.

10.4.2 mes:image

(mes:image path aspect-ratio start stop)  Show
  path : string
  aspect-ratio : number
  start : number
  stop : number

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Creates an image Show that can be used as a layer in a composition.

(mes:image path    
  num-clockwise-rotations)  Show
  path : string
  aspect-ratio : number
  start : number
  stop : number
  start-rectangle : (tlx tly brx bry)
  end-rectangle : (tlx tly brx bry)
  num-clockwise-rotations : integer

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Similar to above, but also specifies a "Ken Burns" animation rectangle pair and the number of rotations to apply to the photo before presentation. The rotation feature can be used to, for example, erect portrait photos which have not been detected as such.

(mes:cached-image path size-indicator)  string
  path : string
  size-indicator : _

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This creates, if necessary, a lower resolution version of the specified image and returns the path to that image. The low resolution image is cached in Reveal’s cache and won’t need to be re-generated if requested again for the same image.

The size-indicator can be one of -
  • () - meaning default cached image size, to a maximum of 2048x1024.

  • (width height) - giving the desired maximum dimensions of the cached image.

  • A number - then use the given number as the reduction factor for the image size relative to the default.

10.4.3 Working with image data during construction

(load-image path-to-file)  Image
  path-to-file : string

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Loads and returns an object representing the pixels of an image for use at construction time. You can use the sample-image function described below to get at the pixels of the image.

(sample-image image x y)  (a r g b)
  image : Image
  x : number
  y : number

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Gets a pixel from the given image located at the given relative x-y coordinate. The x and y parameters are in the range 0 to 1 which map to the full width and height of the image.

(select-points-using-image-weights image N)  (list-of (x y))
  image : Image
  N : integer

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Given an image, treats it as a weight distribution and selects N points from the image according to that distribution. The resulting points expressed in normalized coordinates (i.e. 0 to 1 range) are returned as a list of (x y) values.