On this page:
7.2.1 Effect name
7.2.2 Input pattern
7.2.3 Parameter specification
7.2.4 Types of values
7.2.5 File and directory values
7.2.6 Fixed parameters
7.2.7 Explicit animation curves Time specification
7.2.8 Computed animation curves

7.2 Primitive effects

These are effects that are provided as part of the style authoring framework and are used by name. For instance, the Translate primitive effect can be used to shift the scene in 3D space by a certain distance along a certain direction.

Here is an example of what using the Translate effect to shift the scene through half the screen width in the x direction looks like (coordinates go from -1.0 to 1.0) -
(effect "Translate" (A)
  (param "x" 1.0)
  (param "y" 0.0)
  (param "z" 0.0))

The basic use of a primitive effect has the structure -
(effect name-string input-pattern
  (param pname-string value)

7.2.1 Effect name

Effects have simple string names such as "Translate", "Rotate" and "Alpha". The names of effects are case-sensitive, so you cannot use "translate" instead of "Translate".

7.2.2 Input pattern

The input pattern is a list of symbols standing for the various inputs that the effect is being applied on.
  • Effects that don’t take any input are specified using () as the input pattern.

  • Effects that apply to one input such as segment effects and global effects are specified using the input pattern (A) (or any symbol in place of A).

  • Transitions are nothing but two-input effects and therefore are specified using an effect pattern like (A B) (again, any symbols may be used in place of A and B).

The reason for the inclusion of the input pattern is that the body of an effect can refer to the inputs by name if necessary.

7.2.3 Parameter specification

(param pname-string ....)

The behaviour of most effects can be altered by setting values for one or more of their parameters. Some effects even require certain parameters to be set.

Each (param ....) expression that appears within an (effect ..) expressions specify values for one of the effect’s parameters. Parameter names are also case-sensitive, just like effect names.

7.2.4 Types of values

Values of type integer (10, 5, etc.), fractional (3.14, 2.718, etc.) and string ("hello", "olah", etc.) are valid for use in the value slot of a parameter specification. However, the types accepted by a parameter are determined by the effect. For example, the Translate effect’s x parameter has to be a fractional (aka floating point) value. It cannot be a string. The types of values accepted by parameters are documented in the effect’s documentation page.

7.2.5 File and directory values

Some effects have parameters that accept file names. For example, the PictureQuad effect’s File parameter has to be set to the path to the image file to display in the scene.

Usually, a style will need to refer to images such a gradient maps in its data folder and the resource function is available for this purpose.

(resource "image.png")

will expand to the full path to the "image.png" file relative to the style’s data folder.

Using the resource function, you can specify the File parameter of an effect as follows -

(param "File" (resource "image.png"))

7.2.6 Fixed parameters

(param "z" 0.5)

It should be fairly obvious that the above expression specifies the z parameter of an effect to the floating point value 0.5. The parameter z will take on this fixed value for the period that the effect is being applied.

The value can also be a muSE expression that computes the z coordinate. For example, if you have a ZOOM parameter that goes from 0.0 to 1.0, you can compute the "z" parameter from ZOOM as follows -

(param "z" (+ 0.5 ZOOM))

Such an expression is computed only once and the value generated by the expression will be used as the value of the parameter during the entire time the effect is applied.

7.2.7 Explicit animation curves

The values of parameters can change during the interval for which the effect is applied. These are called “animations”. For example, you can animate the z parameter of the Translate effect to cause the user’s media to zoom away to oblivion. For example -
(param "z" 0.0
    (linear 0.25 0.25)
    (linear 0.5 2.0)
    (linear 1.0 10.0))

The (linear t val) expression causes the parameter’s value to change over time to the given value. The above example describes a z-animation according to the graph shown below -

Only integer and fractional valued parameters can be animated using linear.

You can also cause a parameter to abruptly change value at set times. To specify such a step-wise animation, you use (at t val) instead of linear. Here’s a variant of the z animation above -
(param "z" 0.0
    (at 0.25 0.25)
    (at 0.5 2.0)
    (linear 1.0 10.0))
which is described by the graph -

Therefore you can use combinations of at and linear to define piece-wise linear animation curves. Time specification

The time you give in (linear t ..) and (at t ..) expressions is called progress time. 0.0 refers to the start of the effect, 1.0 refers to the end of the effect and 0.5 refers to “half way through the effect”. Although using progress time (or progress for short) usually suffices for a broad range of animations, you occasionally need to specify animation times in seconds.

For example, you might wish to write a “fade out” effect that fade outs whatever it is applied to 0.5 seconds after the start of the effect. You can use the Alpha primitive effect to implement such a fade out, as shown below -
(effect "Alpha" (A)
  (param "Alpha" 1.0
    (at 0.5 1.0)
    (linear 1.0 0.0)))

.... but wait, we have not told the at setting to operate at 0.5 seconds. We’ve told it to operate half way through the effect. In order to do that we need to use the effect-time as follows.
(effect "Alpha" (A)
  (param "Alpha" 1.0
    (at (effect-time 0.5) 1.0)
    (linear 1.0 0.0)))

When we write it that way, we mean that the 0.5 is in seconds from start of effect and not progress. If you want to be very clear and say that you really mean progres, you can write it as -

(at (progress 0.5) 1.0)

The above form is useful when you’re using an expression to compute the animation time instead of directly putting in the number, as in -

(at (progress (* 0.5 DELAY)) 1.0)

progress takes a progress value and converts it into absolute time (in seconds) within the muvee. Similarly effect-time takes a time in seconds relative to the start of the effect and converts it into absolute time within the muvee. To convert between these, use the following formulae -

The words start and stop when used within the body of an (effect ....) expression refer to the start and stop time of the particular instance of the effect for which the body is being evaluated. Therefore you can use these words as values to convert between any two time bases.

7.2.8 Computed animation curves

Sometimes, it is convenient to specify an animation curve directly as a function of time. For example, it is easy to express the free motion of a ball in the vertical direction using the formula 4ht*(1-t). This formula evaluates to 0 for both t=0 and t=1 and reaches a maximum height of h when t=0.5. For such cases, you can directly encode this expression as a function and have muSE setup the animation for you as follows -
(effect "Translate" (A)
  (param "y" 0.0
         (fn (t) (* 4 h t (- 1 t)))))
Here we’re giving a function of progress time as the third argument to the param expression. muSE will compute 8 values of this function for every second of animation and setup a linear animation just from that.

If you want to control how many intermediate values you want to compute, you can specify that as the fourth argument to param. For example, if you need to compute only 2 values per second, you can write that as follows -
(param "y" 0.0
       (fn (t) (* 4 h t (- 1 t)))