On this page:
5.1.1 Preparation
5.1.2 Poking around the style package
5.1.3 The making of The Dark Side
5.1.4 Adding The Dark Side to the data.scm
5.1.5 Naming things right
5.1.6 Enjoying the fruits of your labour
5.1.7 Being picky
5.1.8 Some details

5.1 Adding a new theme to Scrapbook

Many styles tend to use stock art such as PNG graphics, short video clips and sound effects. Therefore one of the easiest ways to create a “new” style is by changing the stock art of a style that resembles it. You’ll usually need very little editing of a style’s "data.scm" file, if any at all, to create such a variant.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add a new theme to the Scrapbook style that comes with muvee Reveal. You’ll understand how style graphics are usually structured, how to look for graphics usage in "data.scm" files and how to edit your style’s "strings.txt" file to specify localized strings.

Note: This tutorial assumes that you’re familiar with the contents of Getting Started - i.e. you know the mechanics of creating a new style based on an existing one and you’ve used the muveeStyleBrowser . At the end of this tutorial, your Scrapbook style will end up modified. If you want to avoid that, you can copy it first and follow this tutorial on the copy instead.

    5.1.1 Preparation

    5.1.2 Poking around the style package

    5.1.3 The making of TheDarkSide

    5.1.4 Adding TheDarkSide to the data.scm

    5.1.5 Naming things right

    5.1.6 Enjoying the fruits of your labour

    5.1.7 Being picky

    5.1.8 Some details

5.1.1 Preparation

First you need to play around with the Scrapbook style to get a feel for what its productions look like. In particular, explore the various options for Background in the style settings panel. At the moment, you have five background types - Life story, Grunge, Floral, Victorian and Abstract.

Note: Quit muvee Reveal before proceeding with the following steps. Otherwise your changes to the style will not be picked up by Reveal.

5.1.2 Poking around the style package

The style’s folder contents will look like this -

Each of the five folders corresponds to one of the background themes in Scrapbook and contains the theme’s graphics. Each folder contains a set of numbered jpg files ("001.jpg", "002.jpg" and so on) and a "background.jpg" and a "backpage.jpg". The numbered files are variations for different “page” patterns for your album pages. The "background.jpg" is for title and credits and the "backpage.jpg" is how the reverse side of every “page” looks.

To create a new theme, you need to create one more such folder and populate it with a similarly named set of files.

5.1.3 The making of TheDarkSide

We’re going to create a variation of the Abstract theme called TheDarkSide.
  • Copy the "Abstract" folder and name it "TheDarkSide".

  • Open each jpg file in the "TheDarkSide" folder in MS Paint, select Image|Invert colors and save the result. This should make the white portions black and black portions white. All colors are replaced with their component-wise inverses.

For example,


5.1.4 Adding TheDarkSide to the data.scm

We need to make sure the "data.scm" file will pickup the "TheDarkSide" theme folder.
  • Right-click on the Scrapbook style in the muveeStyleBrowser and select Edit data.scm.

Near the start of the file, you’ll find the following text -
; -----------------------------------------------------------
;  Style parameters
  (one-of-many                THEME           Lifestory       (Lifestory  Grunge  Floral  Damask  Abstract))
  (continuous-slider    AVERAGE_SPEED   0.5             0.0  1.0)
  (one-of-few           FLIP_STYLE      Curl            (Curl  Roll))
  (continuous-slider    FLIP_VARIATION  0.25            0.0  1.0))

The one-of-many parameter THEME seems to correspond to the drop-down box for the Background parameter. Indeed, if you look into the style’s "strings.txt" file, you’ll find the English name of the THEME parameter to be Background.

We now need to do for TheDarkSide everything that is done to, say, Abstract.
(define TEXT_COLOR
  (case THEME
    ('Abstract 0xFF446D84)
    ; ----- Insert the following line. -----
    ('TheDarkSide 0xFFBB927B) ; Invert 'Abstract's color.
    ; -----------------------------------
    ('Damask 0xFFAB752D)
    ('Floral 0xFFD8D8D4)
    ('Grunge 0xFF7A6015)
    ('Lifestory 0xFF854B09)))
(define TEXT_FONT
  (case THEME
    ('Abstract "-21,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,Microsoft Sans Serif")
    ; ----- Insert the following line. -----
    ('TheDarkSide "-21,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,Microsoft Sans Serif") ; Copy font string from 'Abstract.
    ; -----------------------------------
    ('Damask "-23,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,Palatino Linotype")
    ('Floral "-24,0,0,0,400,1,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,Times New Roman")
    ('Grunge "-20,0,0,0,700,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,Impact")
    ('Lifestory "-21,0,0,0,700,1,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,Georgia")))
  (case THEME
    ('Abstract (cons 0.3 0.9))
    ; ----- Add the following line. -----
    ('TheDarkSide (cons 0.3 0.9)) ; Copy from 'Abstract.
    ; -----------------------------------
    (_ (cons 0.1 0.9))))

5.1.5 Naming things right

We finally need to edit Scrapbook’s "strings.txt" to specify the name for the TheDarkSide theme. Right click on Scrapbook in the muveeStyleBrowser and select Edit strings.txt. That should open up the strings file in your text editor of choice.

Add the following line, say somewhere near the strings specification of the Abstract theme. It is polite to acknowledge where you copied stuff from :) So we make it clear that TheDarkSide theme is based on the Abstract theme.

TheDarkSide     en-US   Abstract - the dark side

Warning: Do not copy the text above as is. Type it in. There has to be exactly one tab character separating TheDarkSide, en-US and Abstract - the dark side.

5.1.6 Enjoying the fruits of your labour

You’ll see that your new abstract images are being used in the production.

5.1.7 Being picky

As you watch the muvee, you might notice that the back side of the pictures are all totally black. This is because the white backpage.jpg got turned into a totally black image when we inverted it.

For an easy fix to this, just copy the "background.jpg" to "backpage.jpg".

5.1.8 Some details

Getting the folder name from the theme symbol

If you followed the above instructions carefully, you might have been surprised by the fact that nowhere did we say the theme called TheDarkSide corresponds to the folder "TheDarkSide/". Well, in fact there *is* such a place and it is this piece of code in the "data.scm" file -
(define theme-path
  (fn (file)
    (format THEME "/" file)))

What the theme-path function does is to derive the name of a file that belongs to a theme by using the string form of the symbol for the theme as the name of the folder containing the theme. That’s why giving TheDarkSide as the new theme’s symbol was sufficient for it to be linked to the folder "TheDarkSide/".


In general, to understand what a defined symbol does, look at the places where it is used. For the Scrapbook style, these TEXT_.... symbols are used near the end of the file, in the title and credits specification.

    (align 'center 'center)
    (color TEXT_COLOR)
    (font TEXT_FONT)
    (layout (0.1 (first TEXT_LAYOUT_Y))
            (0.9 (rest TEXT_LAYOUT_Y)))))
    (align 'center 'center)
    (color TEXT_COLOR)
    (font TEXT_FONT)
    (layout (0.1 (first TEXT_LAYOUT_Y))
            (0.9 (rest TEXT_LAYOUT_Y)))))