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9.27.1 Examples Behaviour as an image is moved along the z-axis in Perspective Mode

9.27 Perspective

Sets up the mapping from the 3D world to the view point of the camera, where objects that are farther away appear smaller.

This effect is usually declared as a muvee-global-effect. If you don’t use Perspective as a global effect, the visible size of an object will be a constant - independent of its distance from the camera. (Such a projection is called “orthographic projection”.)














[0.0, 90.0)


The field of view, expressed in degrees. Conceptually, it means how wide do we want our camera lens to be.










> 0.0


This and the next parameter define z clipping planes. Objects closer to the camera than zNear are clipped and so are objects farther from the camera than zFar.










> 0.0


zFar is conceptually the back of our clipping box.

Input pattern: (A)

9.27.1 Examples Behaviour as an image is moved along the z-axis in Perspective Mode
; muSE v2
;  My super awesome style.
;  This style uses the Perspective effect and demonstrate
;  what happens when we move our image further back in the z-axis.
(segment-durations 8.0)
(define muvee-global-effect (effect-stack
                                (effect "Perspective" (A))
                                (effect "CropMedia" (A))))
(define muvee-segment-effect (effect "Translate" (A)
                                     (param "z" 0.0 (linear 1.0 -5.0))))

Our main focus is the muvee-global-effect. That’s where the Perspective effect has been declared. Now, what we’re doing in the segment-level-effect is simply move the user image further in the z-axis as the segment duration progresses along. To fully appreciate the meaning of perspective, run the above style once; Then run it again after deleting the line (effect "Perspective" (A)).

Do note that many styles declare CropMedia and "Perspective" as Global Effects. This is a rather standard procedure and you are encouraged to do the same.